Thinking About Joining? FAQ
Wondering what it's like to become a party member? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions below. And if you're not quite ready to join, discover the many other ways to get involved or support Tasmanian Labor.
Becoming a member
Am I eligible to join?
If you are a resident of Tasmania and aged 14 years or older, you are eligible to join (provided you are not a member of any other political party).
How much does membership cost?
Labor party memberships are managed by each state branch. To make things simple, we have automatic renewals which means we won’t keep asking you to renew your membership and card details.
Below are the monthly fees. You can also elect to pay annually.
Under 21 - $1.50
Concession - $2.50
Waged Union Member
Available to people who are union members and earn an annual income in the relevant bracket.
- Up to $50K - $7.00
- Up to $80K - $10.00
- Up to $120K - $15.50
- Over $120K - $25.00
Available to people who earn an annual income in the relevant bracket but are not a union member.
- Up to $50K - $7.50
- Up to $80K - $12.00
- Up to $120K - $18.50
- Over $120K - $25.00
What do my fees contribute to?
Your payments help to keep our party member-driven and independent of relying on corporate donors. Tasmanian Labor regularly funds election campaigns, events and training for members.
About Labor
Who are we?
The Australian Labor Party is the largest political party in Australia. Born out of the trade union movement and built on shared beliefs of equality and social justice. We are part of a movement that is dedicated to delivering a better life for all Australians through democratic socialism.
How is Tasmanian Labor organised internally?
Labor organises itself along a root and branch structure that delegates authority to members from the community level all the way up to the national level.
At the local level, Tasmanian members join local Branches and participate in Policy Action Committees. These are the basic building blocks of Tasmanian Labor and are the places where much of your activity in the party will take place. Local branches are where members meet, discuss, and debate political issues, make decisions and campaign in the community.
Policy committees are places where members with a passion for a specific policy area can meet and discuss, debate and create policy for consideration by the wider party.
From these places, you can get involved in various decision-making forums such our Annual Conference which is the place where Tasmanian Labor’s major decisions are made and our policy positions are determined.
How is Labor organised nationally?
Labor has state and territory branches that affiliate to the national Australian Labor Party. Each branch operates independently and has its own set of rules.
Members can join the state or territory branch in which they are enrolled to vote. If you move you can transfer your membership from one branch to another.
Getting involved as a member
What can members do?
Members are responsible for selecting and campaigning for the candidates who run in Tasmanian and Federal elections. This is one of the great privileges of being a member of Tasmanian Labor - but it’s not the only way to get involved in the democratic process.
Campaigning, either during elections or in your community, is an exciting way to get involved in the party.
Members can volunteer as part of an election campaign by joining the team of a candidate. This is a great way to meet other members and learn new skills.
It’s also a really great feeling to get out into the community and fight for the election of a candidate you believe in.
The ALP provides training to members who want to campaign, keep an eye out for training sessions as they get advertised.
What happens after I join?
Once you complete our online join form we will process your application on our end. This normally takes a few business days.
Once your application has been processed you will receive an emails which will include your member number, a new member pack, and information about your local branch. You will receive your member card in the mail within 12-14 business days.
If you have any questions after you sign up to get in touch with our Membership Engagement Officer at
What are local branches?
Branches meet every month to discuss and debate political issues, organise campaigns or events, and make decisions to be considered by the Annual Conference. New members are placed into their closest branch based on the suburb in which they are living in, but members are free to choose to attend any branch.
What are Policy Action Committees?
Policy Action Committees are groups of members who meet regularly to discuss, debate, and propose policy around a particular topic or portfolio. They are a great way to engage with specific areas of policy that are of interest to you.
How do I get involved in an election campaign?
There are a lot of volunteer and campaigning opportunities both in and outside of an election year. Campaigns and local MPs regularly need volunteers for community events and campaign activities like phonebanking, doorknocking and poll booths. Find your local campaign under the 'Our Team' menu to volunteer.
Not ready to join?
How else can I get involved?
We know that joining a political party can be a big decision for some. If you’re not quite ready to join the Party there are other ways to stay in touch and support the party.
Sign up for our mailing list
You can sign up to our email list to stay up to date with what’s happening in Tasmanian Labor, hear from Labor MPs, and find out about upcoming opportunities or events.
Get in touch with your local MP
Our elected members are there to represent their communities. If there is something in particular you want to talk about we encourage you to reach out to your local member. You can find your local state Labor MPs here and your local federal Labor MPs here.
Your donations help to keep our party member-driven and independent of relying on corporate donors. Tasmanian Labor regularly funds events, campaigns, and training to help win elections and implement Labor policy in our community. Click here to donate now.
I have more questions
If you’ve got some questions or just want to find out more about the party and what being a member involves, get in touch with our membership team to have a chat.
How do I volunteer for Labor?
You don't need to be a member to volunteer. You can volunteer with Labor here, or you can sign-up to be a volunteer on a specific local campaign by finding your local State MP or Federal MP and selecting the volunteer option.
Where do I signup to receive supporter updates?
You can sign-up to receive updates from Tasmanian Labor and your local MPs here.
Become a regular donor instead of a member
You don't have to become a member to show your support. How about setting up a regular donation to Labor instead? Only donations that are over $1000/year are publicly disclosed.
You can setup a regular donation here.