Policy Action Caucuses
PACs are groups of Labor party members and supporters who have an interest in advocating for a particular policy area.
Becoming involved with a policy action caucus is a great way to shape Labor policy in an area of your interest. Currently Tasmanian Labor has six affiliated caucuses: the Labor Environment Action Network, Rainbow Labor, Labor for a Republic, Labor Friends of Palestine, Labor Unions Policy Action Caucus and Labor for Choice.
Labor Environment Action Network
LEAN is a grassroots network of ALP members and supporters who are concerned for the health of the planet. We care about climate change and the integrity of our natural systems. We also believe Labor is the only progressive party in Australia that can form government and therefore must lead the debate in Australia on environmental policy.
LEAN works to influence the policies of the ALP and Labor parliamentary caucuses to support strong action on climate change and the environment.
Contact: Kathryn Barnsley, tasmania@lean.net.au | Facebook | Website
Labor for the Wise Use of Resources
Labor for the Wise Use of Resources is a Policy Action Caucus which aims to develop policy that is smart for the environment and smart for workers in the areas of energy, forestry, mining, agriculture and aquaculture.
Contact: George Harris rgeorgeharris201@gmail.com
Tasmanian Labor Affiliated Unions Policy Action Caucus
Tasmanian Labor Affiliated Unions Policy Action Caucus purpose is to provide affiliated union members with a voice in forming the industrial relations policy within the Tasmanian Labor Party; we promote awareness of industrial issues and provide opportunities within the Party for union members to be active and involved in policy decisions.
Labor for Choice PAC
Labor for Choice PAC aims to serve as an information and campaign base for Party members on the state of reproductive health laws in Tasmania and to advocate for reform both within the Labor Party and Government.
Contact: Kylie Farrell kylie@neonjungle.studio
Local Government PAC
The Local Government PAC seeks to inform, and provide comment on, local government policy within the Tasmanian Labor Party; and to promote awareness of local government issues and opportunities, both within the Tasmanian Labor Party and the broader Tasmanian community.
Labor sees local government as a vital tier of Australian democracy.
Local Government delivers services and infrastructure and representation that benefits local communities.
This PAC exists to discuss and influence Labor party policy to see Local Government thrive.
Contact: Aaron de la Torre aarondelatorre@asuvictas.com.au
Rainbow Labor Tasmania
Rainbow Labor is the branch of Tasmanian Labor that organises and advocates for LGBTQIA+ Tasmanians. This PAC is actively involved in campaigning for legislative reform and on matters that impact the LGBTQIA+ community.
Contact: Natalie Jones, members@tas.alp.org.au
Labor for Civil & Political Rights Policy Action Caucus
Labor for Civil & Political Rights Policy Action Caucus seeks to inform and provide comment on civil and political rights issues for the benefit of all Tasmanians and to promote awareness of civil and political rights issues, both within the Tasmanian Labor Party and the broader Tasmanian community. This Policy Action Caucus also works on developing the Tasmanian Labor platform in this area.
Contact: Henry Pill henryivpartii@gmail.com
Labor Enabled PAC
Labor Enabled PAC aims to improve and promote accessibility and inclusivity within the Tasmanian Labor Party as well as across our great state.
Contact: Lachlan McCarthy
Labor for Regional Tasmania PAC
Labor for Regional Tasmania PAC seeks to engage with Parliamentary Labor Party and regional communities to develop policies aimed at improving the lives of regional Tasmanians; and develop policies for regional Tasmania with an overarching link to the Labor Platform and values.
Contact: laborforregionaltas@gmail.com