Tasmania delivered the fewest number of housing approvals in eight years, according to the latest ABS monthly data released today.
It’s a timely reminder that Jeremy Rockliff and the Liberals have spent the last 11 years failing to do anything about the red tape holding back building while they’ve been the government.
They’ve been at the helm for more than a decade and done nothing. Jeremy Rockliff even had the gall to stand up and parrot the same empty slogan that the Liberals first used back in 2014.
It was 11 years ago that they promised to make planning fairer, faster, cheaper, and simpler with a singular statewide scheme. It was all talk, and instead the system has become more complicated, inefficient, and out of touch with the needs of Tasmanians.
How can anybody take them seriously?
Shane Broad MP
Shadow Minister for Housing
Shadow Minister for Planning
Shadow Minister for Building & Construction