Premier Jeremy Rockliff has failed to guarantee that his fire sale of state-owned assets for a short-term budget sugar hit won’t lead to increased user costs, decreased services and impact Tasmania’s ability to fund schools and hospitals.
In a desperate attempt to re-write history, the Premier also extraordinarily claimed his fire sale was required because of the budget situation Tasmania has “found itself in”.
Tasmania’s finances are in the position they are in for one reason, and for one reason only. Jeremy Rockliff and the Liberals can’t manage money and they have completely wrecked the budget.
But instead of taking responsibility for his budget mismanagement, the Premier wants Tasmanians to bail him out.
Privatisation leads to increased user costs and decreased services. The Premier couldn’t rule out higher bus fares, higher power prices and more expensive car registration fees which is the last thing Tasmanians can afford right now.
Our state-owned assets also provide critical funding to schools and hospitals. Flogging them off for a short-term sugar hit will cause long-term pain for Tasmanians already facing.
Jeremy Rockliff and the Liberals have proven they can’t manage money, and the Premier has confirmed that it’s Tasmanians who will have to pay the price.
Josh Willie MP
Shadow Treasurer