Jeremy Rockliff has extraordinarily admitted that he’s open to selling TT-Line as part of his fire-sale of state owned assets to prop up his busted budget.
TT-Line is supposed to be focussed on building Berth 3 – instead it will be getting ready for sale.
The Spirits of Tasmania fiasco is the biggest infrastructure stuff up in Tasmanian history, and will be the Premier’s lasting legacy.
“The challenge we faced with the Spirits raises the important question about what businesses the government should own,” the Premier told Parliament on Tuesday.
Effectively the Premier is arguing that because he stuffed up building a berth, he needs to sell off Tasmanian assets. It is completely absurd.
TT-Line has been the flagship for Tasmanian’s tourism industry and it’s helped primary producers get their products to mainland markets for decades.
The fact that the Premier is willing to sell it off as part of his disastrous fire sale is even more evidence that he’s willing to sell off Tasmania’s future to pay down his failures.
Dean Winter MP
Labor Leader