Please find below excerpt from Dean Winter’s State of the State response speech:
**check against delivery**
Under my leadership, the Labor Party has listened, and has changed.
We are back as the party of jobs and economic development.
We are back in the business of building things.
We are proudly pro-development, pro-business, and pro-workers.
And we are the party of responsible financial management in Tasmanian politics today.
The Liberals, in contrast, have run out of road.
After 11 years in office, they’ve run out of good ideas or the ability to get things done.
They have shredded their credibility through their stuff ups with the Spirits.
They’ve forfeited their right to govern this state through their disastrous mismanagement of Tasmania’s finances.
And their only plan for the future is to privatise our assets and put up the price of power, car rego and bus fares.
In their place I offer Tasmanians new leadership.
I offer a renewed Labor Party.
With a plan and a vision for the future.
To deliver the change Tasmania needs.
Please contact to request a copy of Mr Winter’s full speech
Dean Winter MP
Labor Leader