Labor does not support new or increased taxes.
Claims from the Premier and Treasurer Barnett to the contrary are desperate, pathetic, and wrong.
The only political party with plans to introduce new taxes are the Liberals and their coalition of independents, who advocate for new revenue raising measures during a cost of living crisis.
They went to the last election promising a new tourism tax. Higher car regos from privatisation are a new tax, higher power prices from selling off renewable energy assets is a new tax, and higher bus fares from selling Metro is a new tax.
After inheriting zero net debt from Labor in 2014, the Liberals have completely lost control of the state's finances. Respected independent economist Saul Eslake has been unequivocal that the current mess is entirely due to the decision of this Liberal government.
The Tasmanian budget is in this precarious position for one reason, and one reason only – Premier Jeremy Rockliff and the Liberals can’t manage money.
They are in no position to criticise anyone when it comes to the state budget..
Josh Willie MP
Shadow Treasurer