Backing development and major projects
Under the minority Liberal government, nothing is getting done. After more than a decade in power, Tasmanians are still waiting for so many things that have been promised, like the Spirits, a 4-lane Midland Highway, a new Tamar Bridge, an underground bus mall in Hobart ... the list goes on.
Labor understands that good development stimulates the economy, creates good jobs and helps us build a better Tasmania, but it's not enough to make promises - we have to change the way things are done so important projects actually happen.
Getting things done
Nothing is getting done under this minority Liberal government.
Right now, $25 billion of new projects are stuck in planning processes and being held up by red tape.
Labor is pro-jobs and pro-development, and will get these projects moving by giving the Coordinator-General new powers. These powers will include the ability to coordinate environmental assessments, apply zoning changes, and direct government businesses to provide support, not blockages.
The Coordinator-General will answer directly to the Premier to ensure development and creating jobs is at the centre of a Labor government’s mission.
Backing a new stadium
Labor supports a new stadium and the 4,000 jobs it will create.
We are calling on the government to ensure there is a strong local jobs and content plan, to ensure Tasmanian workers and businesses are the ones who benefit.
We will also hold the Premier to his promise of a capped public spend of $375 million.

Labor has a plan for Tasmania.